Digital Marketing & Freelancing

Marketing & Freelancing with Leading Platforms

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Haris Alam
Course Description

Social media marketing jobs are amongst the most in-demand skills for organizations of all sizes. Whether you're completely new to digital marketing or you've been tinkering with social media platforms for your own business, this program will provide an introduction godigitalmarketing and all the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and more to prepare you with the skills and tools needed to grow an engaging social community and run effective social media advertising

What you will learn

Course Outline

Grading Criteria
Particulars Marks (%)
Quizzes 20
Class Participation/ Attendance 15
Projects 25
Final Projects 40
Total 100